Meeting with PGM(Admin/HR) and DGM(Admin/HR) KTK circle

Sundar Raju, CS,AIGETOA KTK and Ashok Y Shigli, CP AIGETOA KTK met Shri.Venkateshwar Rao, PGM(Admin/HR) and Angadi, DGM(Admin/HR) KTK circle and discussed the following issues:

1) Rule-08 Transfer cases: Association requested to update the position of rule-08 cases, in reply to this PGM Admin informed that from all other circles consent letter is received except UP(E) circle, once it is received the same will be displayed in Web site for required  documents. After collecting the documents from SSAs the orders will be issued. and also he informed that Rule-08 cases of 64 numbers will be executed as per the word of CGMT KTK circle.

AP circle Rule 8 Reply

kerala circle rule 8 resply

MP circle Rul8   resply

2) Request transfer cases: Association requested Circle administration to clear the waiting list of intra circle transfer list, in reply to this PGM(Admin) informed that Maximum possible will be considered this year.

3) publishing Rule-08 in Website:  Current waiting list of Rule-08 cases will be published in web site shortly.

4) Association congratulated Shri.Shanbhag, AGM(HRD) circle office as he was promoted to DGM.